If you feel in any way called to learn more about any of these ministries, please contact our Liturgy & Worship Department. May the Holy Spirit inspire many more to labor in the Lord's own vineyard!
Divine Mercy Prayer Group:
Our mission is to honor and celebrate the incredible attribute of God's Mercy as shown through the Divine Mercy devotion. We meet for about thirty minutes once a week for prayers, with hiatus during the summer months. Attendance is voluntary, but blessings abound. We hope to see you there!
Legion of Mary:
The Legion of Mary is a Catholic organization for men and women to serve their community. Our goal is to glorify God and further personal holiness through prayer and active cooperation in our Church with Mary's guidance. Active members attend a weekly meeting and do service work, while auxiliary members say the rosary daily and recite the “Tessera” (a booklet of Legion prayers). We would love to have you join us in either capacity.
Disciples of the Holy Eucharist (Perpetual Adoration of the Most Holy Eucharist):
St. Paul's is tremendously blessed to have a Perpetual Adoration Chapel where over a hundred committed adorers worship the Blessed Sacrament in Exposition 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. We are always looking for more adorers, so please prayerfully consider joining as a substitute or committed adorer (minimum one hour per week), as well as our Adoration Leadership Team which handles scheduling and coordinating the adorers.