Our Director of Adult Faith Development teaches the Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) from August through May. The program, which is the core of evangelization for our faith community, includes lively discussions about our beautiful Faith and Church teachings, as well as "Symbolon", a DVD series from the Augustine Institute taught by theologian Dr. Edward Sri. Adult Faith Study comprises a weekly class and multiple missions and events for all parishioners that wish to deepen their understanding of the Faith. The class has included Lectio Divina, Bible Study, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Catholic spirituality, approved apparitions of Our Blessed Mother, the Saints, and many devotions. We offer the many video series throughout the year, such as Bishop Robert Barron's insightful "David the King", "The Mass", "The Eucharist", and "Pivotal Players" series, as well as Dr. Sri's "Symbolon" and "No Greater Love" programs. We live in an incredible time in which we can use these provoking productions as an addition to our study. With every series we have studied, we have had wonderful times sharing our Faith in a broad sense, as well as on a personal level. This personal growth has led to a spiritual friendship among many parishioners. Please join us when you can, and feel free to bring a friend or two! Whether or not you are able to attend our Adult Faith Study, you are always welcome to call our Coordinator of Adult Faith Development and set up an appointment to meet one-on-one to discuss our Faith.
As a community, we pray the Rosary together daily after the 7:00 and 8:30 weekly morning Masses, as well as after the 8:30 Saturday morning Mass. On the first Friday of each consecutive month, we continue after the 8:30 Mass with Eucharistic Adoration and Holy Hour (separate from the Perpetual Adoration Chapel), and pray the First Friday Devotion with Benediction at 10 a.m. On the first Saturday of each consecutive month, we pray the Holy Rosary and the First Saturday Devotion as given by Our Lady of Fatima, directly following the morning Mass. Our Knights of Columbus Council #15001 go to the Planned Parenthood at 57th Avenue and Eugie to pray the “Rosary for Life” on the second Sunday of every month, please join them whenever you are able! We also pray the Rosary every Monday evening during the months of May and October, and this year we have begun the tradition of reciting the Rosary for the United States on the first Monday of every month. As you can see, there are many opportunities to spend time as a community praying the Rosary . . . please join us when you can!
Our dedication to Divine Mercy Sunday has increased over the years as we grew together as a community in this devotion. The Divine Mercy Prayer Group meets weekly. Our Diving Mercy Novena begins on Good Friday, with the addition of the recitation of the Divine Mercy Chaplet before every Mass and ends on the Vigil of Divine Mercy Sunday. We continue this celebration with the addition of a Holy Hour in Adoration and Confession, ending with Holy Mass at 3:00 p.m.!
Throughout the year, we spend time attending "Faith in the Field Trips." This has been a very successful time in community where we meet at Churches, Catholic businesses, and attend neighboring parishes' events and missions. We have attended Priestly Ordination, the Marian Conference, Rosary Sunday, the Friends of the Cathedral Diocesan Lenten Mission, and the Nun Run and Trip to Tonopah with our amazing Knights of Columbus, just to name a few!
During the summer we present our Adult VBS (Vacation Bible School), which is a three-day Spiritual Art Retreat. We have also begun a Woman's Spiritual Retreat, coordinated with the Women's Guild. This is in addition to our multiple missions and speakers throughout the year. Past events include Father Carlos Martins' "Vatican Relic Tour" and Drs. Tim Gray and Michael Barber of the Augustine Institute's "The Word was made Flesh, and Dwelt Among Us".
If you wish to deepen your Faith alongside your family, please visit our Family Formation page.
All are welcome to attend the many opportunities we offer here at St. Paul! Be sure to stay updated on all programs, as well as the dates and times they are offered, by reading the weekly bulletin. Don't forget to visit our two Augustine Institute Lighthouse Kiosks in the narthex of the main Church for many great Catholic educational materials and consider joining one of our many Ministries!