To register for the Religious Education and Sacrament Preparation program, please fill out the form below; hard copies of this registration are available in the parish office. The upcoming program is available for all ages from pre-kindergarten through 6th grade, and runs from October through May.
Our Religious Education program will include materials from the Family Formation Program initiated in St. Paul, MN. The Family Formation program has been available for over 25 years and promoted here at St. Paul’s since 2018. The program includes once-a-month community gathering (1st Sundays) and weekly home lessons with activities for families to learn more about our Catholic faith while studying and learning together. With the guidance of the Holy Spirit, you will be able to invite Jesus into your homes and experience His Presence as you learn more about your faith. The program is $85.00 for 1 Child and $100.00 for 2 or more Children.
For your children preparing for the Sacraments, in addition to the 1st Sunday, we will also meet on the 2nd and 4th Sundays of each month. We will continue with St. Mary’s Press materials for Reconciliation, Confirmation, and First Eucharist this year. Keep an eye on the bulletin for further details as we draw closer to October.
Sr. Rose is anxious to kick off the new year, and if you would like to help in the program, or if you have any questions, please call the office at 602-942-2608, or email Sr. Rose at or Craig Cullity at