YA Bible Study
Joining a Bible study is an important step in deepening your faith and comprehension of God's teachings. It offers a fulfilling journey of spiritual growth through insightful discussions, diverse viewpoints, and practical life lessons derived from the scriptures.
Engaging in a Bible study setting fosters relationship building and allows for sharing your faith with others. By participating in these sessions, you can delve into the scriptures, seek clarity, and absorb wisdom from both the facilitator and fellow seekers of spiritual knowledge.
Joining the 18-25 age group provides a platform to connect with peers who share your passion for exploring and understanding faith.
Do you want to experience worshiping God through music, song, and other expressions of worship? Do you want a special time when you can have a bit more time to pray and praise spontaneously? Do you want to hear some teachings that you can relate to? Do you want someone to pray with you? Do you want to experience healing?
Come and join us as we gather together to worship the Lord, listen to the Word of God, and ask for healing prayer. Adoration & Confession maybe available.
We are looking for worship team members. Teachers, Worship Leaders, Song Leaders, Vocalists, and Musicians. Guitarist (Acoustic, Electric, Bass), Piano, Keyboard, Strings and Horns players. We are also looking for Individuals to form Prayer Teams. Two by Two, to pray with people. Training will be available as we begin to form these new ministries. Interested? please click JOIN US select Young Adults, fill in your info, and leave a comment.
Join our hiking club to prepare for hiking trips. There is nothing like actually hiking and backpacking. Arizona has many hiking trails for us to explore. St. Paul YAM Hiking Club offers companionship, and trips to discover great trails. Hiking Club extends to all ages depending on the trail we plan to hike.
Come and join us as we explore together the great nature God has made for us to enjoy. Interested? please click JOIN US select Young Adults, fill in your info, and leave a comment.
A weekly Scripture Study for small groups of 6-8 people. Great for Single Young Adults, Young Couples, and Young Married Couples with Children. Join or Form a group today (ages 18-25, 25-31, 30-40). Click JOIN US select Young Adults, fill in your info and leave a comment.
Scan the QR Code to access information and weekly reading reflections from the Diocesan website.
We are looking for Group Leaders and Hosts to meet with a small group of people weekly. Training and all materials are available.
The preferred location is at the host's home, If needed, the church can provide a room to meet within the campus.
We are looking for team leaders to organize and participate in our Social Events, Bible Studies, Worship Nights, Hiking Trips, and Excursions for Young Adults ensuring that Activity Guidelines and Health and Safety Instructions are followed.
Interested? Please click JOIN US select Young Adults, fill in your info, and leave a comment.